Search Muslim Baby Islamic Names for Boys and Girls

Found 133 Islamic names sound like 'Abdul Jawwad' in baby names for Muslim Boys.

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# Islamic Name Meaning
76 Abdul Hameed Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised
77 Abdul-Qahhar Servant of the Subduer
78 Abdul Muqsit Slave of the Just
79 Abdul Qudoos Servant of the Most Holy
80 Abdul Azim Slave of the great
81 Abdul-Haqq Servant of the Truth
82 Abdul Khabir Slave of the one who is aware
83 Abdul Wakil Slave of the Trustee
84 Abdul Hafeez Slave of the Protector
85 Abdul-Mujeeb Servant of the Responsive
86 Abdul Muhyee Slave of the one who gives life and sustains it
87 Abdul Noor Slave of the one who is Light
88 Abdul Afuw Slave of the one who pardons
89 Abdul-Ghani Servant of the Self-Sufficient
90 Abdul Jabaar Servant of the Mighty
91 Abdul-Wahhab Servant of the Best-ower
92 Abdul Raqib Slave of the Vigilant
93 Abdul Bari Slave of the creator
94 Abdul-Majeed Servant of the Most Glorious
95 Abdul Mateen Slave of the Firm
96 Abdul-Baari Servant of the Evolver
97 Abdul Hamid Slave of the Praiseworthy
98 Abdul-Qaiyoum Servant of the Self-Sustaining
99 Abdul Musawwir Slave of the Fashioner
100 Abdul Raafi Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), One who Elevates
Found 133 Islamic names sound like 'Abdul Jawwad' in baby names for Muslim Boys in 6 pages.
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